The HappiBump


My name is Natalia and..

I have created The HappiBump, an online membership platform for pregnant women and their partners with the ambition to help future parents to understand in simple words their pregnancy journey and learn about what is available for them, avoiding scientific jargon. My aim is to take the unneccesary stress of the unknown, provide the information that is needed to help you grow a healthy baby and I firmly believe that healthy parents, emotionally and physically, achieve better results in growing a healthier bump and thus Happy Parents - Happy Bump.

A little bit about my background:

I qualified as a midwife in Athens, Greece in 2002. I have worked in NICU, postnatal and antenatal ward in Greece before taking the big step of leaving my nice and comfy job and moving to UK in 2006 to acquire more experience as a midwife and study further.

I have completed a MSc in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and worked in a variety of hospitals in London including St George's NHS, Guys and Thomas, King's College, Chelsea and Westminster, Portland before moving to West Midlands for a better quality of life for my children.

Over the years I have worked on all the possible fields of midwifery, spending a lot of time working on delivery suite, postnatal ward, antenatal ward, antenatal clinic, community providing care throughout pregnancy and postnatally and promoting women's and babies wellbeing while supporting their choices.

In my personal childbirth journey I have been induced, I had an emergency cesarean section for sepsis, a preterm baby, a vaginal birth after cesarean section with a manual removal of placenta and an abruption at an early stage of pregnancy. I also suffered from a post traumatic stress disorder when I felt I was not listened to. I feel my experience on both sides of the coin has given me the skills to develop this online membership programme and also the knowledge on how to work with other professionals to provide you the best experience.


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Suspendisse pulvinar, metus vitae finibus interdum, nunc nibh interdum sem, nec tempus ante ante quis nisi.

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